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The New Jerusalem Anointing Oil (Messiah's Fragrance)

The New Jerusalem Anointing Oil (Messiah's Fragrance)

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SKU: OA120.2

Anointing with oil was not unheard of during Jesus's (Yeshua in Hebrew) life on earth. We see this in the fourth chapter of Luke where Yeshua is anointed at the beginning of his ministry by a woman and again at the end before he is crucified. Let us always remember what Proverbs 27: 9 tells us when it shares that “oil and perfume make the heart glad!”

This is the oil of joy and gladness.

7.5 ml / 1/4 oz

Made in Israel

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As we take a closer look at the anointed lifestyle of our Bridegroom Yeshua we see how it dispensed its fragrance through the ages and will of course never cease to do so. Consider what is said about Him and especially the scent He carries, in the Wedding Psalm chapter 45:7-8  “Your throne, God, will last forever and ever; you rule your kingdom with a scepter of equity.  You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.  Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of joy in preference to your companions."


  •  As an act of consecration and dedication, a setting apart for a special purpose in God’s kingdom. Houses, structures, articles of worship, clothing and people can be anointed as a sign of consecration to God. Consider anointing yourself , praying Scriptures over your mind, heart, ears, eyes, hands and feet. It WILL change your day!!
  • As the Priests of the home, husbands are encouraged to anoint their wives and children for consecration, protection, peace, pronouncing a blessing upon them as did the Fathers of Old!!
  • As a preparation to bible study, devotional time, fasting, and praise and worship
  • In times of sickness, fear, anxiety, oppression of the enemy, end of mourning, ALSO in foot-washing ceremonies


 : Pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Israel mixed with Myrrh, Aloes, and Cassia essential oils.
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