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Judges (Video) Teachings by Tom Bradford

Judges (Video) Teachings by Tom Bradford

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Enjoy the in-depth, verse-by-verse video teachings on the Book of Judges by Tom Bradford.  These teachings will bring you the latest findings on Bible history and scholarship, and takes a multi-disciplinary approach to Bible Study that includes Bible exegesis, exploring the original languages, Bible history, Jewish history, an understanding of the influence of 2nd Temple Judaism upon New Testament development, modern life application, and more.

27 (MP4) video teachings plus a bonus file with all the illustrations and graphics for each lesson so you can follow along with the teaching.  

Use for independent study or group study.

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Judges (Video) Teachings by Tom Bradford

We see 3 major themes developed in Judges. The first is Israel’s military and spiritual struggles as they wrestle among themselves and battle with the remaining Canaanites (that Joshua failed to drive out) in order to settle within the land and create a lasting and more durable society of farmers, shepherds, and craftsmen.

The second is the amazing grace and longsuffering (but not infinite) patience of God’s faithfulness to the covenant He made with Israel, as opposed to the amazing disinterest and schizophrenic behavior of Israel in their lack of faithfulness in return.

The third is what some scholars call, “the Canaanization of Israel”. In other words, it is how the people of God became more and more like the world around them instead of staying separate from the world, or their lives influencing the world around them to be more like Israel. And the world all-around Israel at this time was the various Canaanite tribes and peoples. You’ll witness Israel being oppressed in many ways by a number of enemies, but not so much that they were forcibly dragged kicking and screaming into idolatry; rather Israel preferred more of the pagan gods that the world enjoyed and less of their own God because it seemed not only the more tolerant thing to do but also it was more economically and socially expedient.

27 (MP4) video teachings plus a bonus file with all the illustrations and graphics for each lesson so you can follow along with the teaching.  

Use for independent study or group study.

 MP4 Flash Drive can be viewed with: 

  • Computer or Laptop    
  • TV's with USB port
  • TV's with HDMI Capabilities
  • DVD Player with USB Port 

MP4 - Flash Drive Format

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